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A Detailed Review of Taylor’s & Co. Smoke Wagon

Last Updated: July 17, 2024

There is no denying that the era of the Wild West had a tremendous impact on American culture in general, and gun culture in particular. And even though the golden age of cowboys has twice come to an end (in life and cinema), the spirit of the Wild West lingers in countless aspects of our lives. There are organizations like SASS that work to preserve the history of the Old West and competitive shooting, and there are brands like Taylor’s & Company, that make replicas of historical firearms. In this review, we’ll take a look at one such firearm – a magnificent Taylor’s & Co. Smoke Wagon.

Table of Contents

smoke wagon revolver

A Few Words About the Brand

If you are into historical guns, reenactments and other related stuff, you might have heard about Taylor’s & Company. The company markets historical firearms, made with high-quality modern materials and precise modern machinery, basically taking the best of both worlds. Their goal is to keep the legend of classic firearms alive, and they fulfill it by providing modern versions of the guns that made cowboys, lawmen, and outlaws famous. And if you ask me, they do a fine job. 

It’s important to note that Taylor’s & Company markets firearms and does not manufacture them. Instead, they source their firearms from reputable manufacturers around the world, including Uberti, Pietta and Armscor. These manufacturers produce the firearms based on Taylor’s specifications and requirements. Once the firearms are received, Taylor’s & Company may perform additional customization or tuning to enhance the firearm’s performance and value.

Taylor's & Company Review

Now, there were quite a number of revolvers by Taylor & Company I wanted to put my hands on and, consequently, share my opinion on them with you, but I need to keep this review focused. So here’s what I’ve done: I’ve taken one revolver as a base, examined it to its finest detail, and then covered some other models highlighting the aspects that set them apart from the “base” model. After some internal debates, I decided to go with the Smoke Wagon as a base, for several reasons I’ll elaborate on further.

taylors & company

Taylor's & Company Smoke Wagon

The Smoke Wagon revolver from Taylor’s & Company left me with an even stronger appreciation of the revolvers (and there I thought there was no room for growth). There is always the debate between settling for what you can afford and saving to get what you want, but I do feel like Taylor & Company won’t perplex you with such dilemmas. They’ll give you both. It’s not Colt, but if you can spend one grand and a half on a revolver, by all means go and buy Colt. I, in the meantime, will review a revolver that is twice as cheap and that shoots as well as a revolver can. It’s worth noting that the model I’ve tested is Taylor Tuned. I’ll explain what that is once we get to the action part.


Some things you can see right away, and those are the things I’ll begin with. The grip, a nice walnut checkered Navy grip, was the first point of contact with this gun and also the one that made me want to review this model. The Navy grip is slightly longer than a standard one, and I found this to be a subtle yet effective feature that makes handling the gun much easier. Making the grip checkered is a smart decision. When you spend the whole day holding a gun, you come to appreciate the tiny details that make it easier to hold. And sometimes it’s summer, and sometimes it’s blazing, and sometimes holding onto a gun with your sweaty hands is a real challenge. Checkering makes it all easier, and I love easy. I also love the coloration of the walnut, it really makes the whole revolver look classy.

taylors and company 45 colt

Frame & Barrel

Then we have all the metal pieces: frame, cylinder and barrel. Of these three, the frame obviously stands out. The case hardening is simply stunning, with a beautiful multicolor pattern you won’t see on revolvers at this price point. It draws inspiration from a technique that was implemented to harden the metal in the times of the Old West. The technique is no longer used, but I really appreciate Taylor’s & Co. ‘s paying homage to it. One of those things that make this revolver look and feel like a detailed replica. Coupled with the deep and well-executed blueing on the barrel and the cylinder, the visual appeal of this revolver is just something else.


Hammer is a real deal for single-action firearms. You’ll cock it every single time you want to shoot, so it’d better be comfortable to cock. The Smoke Wagon doesn’t disappoint here either: the positive checkering on the low-sitting hammer makes it easier to operate. Earlier models of Taylors and Company 45 Colt revolvers boasted the same four-click hammer path as traditional Colt revolvers, but with newer models, you will only get three clicks. Not like the number of clicks really had any impact on the performance, but I think it’s something worth mentioning.


taylors and company revolver

I’m not sure what to say about the cylinder other than it features the same blue finish. It’s a six-round revolver, so there are 6 chambers. The loading gate is closely fit, not wobbly at all and clicks smoothly – yet another testament to the meticulous attention to detail put into this gun.


The sights on this revolver are wider if we compare them to regular revolver sights. Both the rear notch and front blade take after the sights of the second-generation Colt. As a result, you get a broader view than the regular V-notch, which greatly aids in target acquisition.

Taylor Tuned

Now, what does Taylor Tuned mean? I’ve mentioned before that Taylor’s & Company doesn’t produce their own firearms, but rather imports those made by Uberti and Armscor, adding a few adjustments. Taylor Tuned is the next level of these adjustments that not all firearms go through. Such models are usually a bit more expensive, but here’s what you get for that investment. 

Taylor Tuned revolvers feature a tuned, polished and lightened hammer, a more forgiving trigger pull of around 3 pounds (usually even less), and all the sear and hammer surfaces are jig cut to make sure the action is as smooth as possible. I know that revolvers are famous for their simplicity, so it might seem like there are not too many places where the gun could feel clunky, but after having shot the Smoke Wagon, I think other revolvers might as well start feeling clunky.


TAYLORS & COMPANY Smoke Wagon Taylor Tuned .45LC 4.75in 6rd Revolver



The Taylors and Company 45 Colt Smoke Wagon has a very distinct air of an Old West revolver, apart from those aspects that made these firearms less secure. In that era, people would load only 5 rounds into the cylinder and rest the hammer on an empty chamber to prevent potential accidental discharges. They still do that in The Single Action Shooting Society to honor the tradition, but there won’t be any need for that with the Smoke Wagon. 

Here, the firing pin doesn’t engage with the primer until the trigger is pulled, making it safe to carry six rounds with this gun. There is a cylinder pin safety you can engage in the half-cocked position, which disengages with a simple press of a button near the cylinder. As simple as that. I wouldn’t use it for self-defense, so there is really not much value in that feature for me, but somebody might, so, there’s that. Not historically accurate, but I want my guns safe, not authentic.


The trigger here is short-stroke and it’s nothing but a joy to use. It sits far back, making it easier to pull, and it’s super light, almost illegally so. The only time I noticed any crip was when I tried to operate the trigger as if in slow motion, but nobody shoots like that, so it doesn’t count. The super crisp break is just what you want in a trigger, and it is what the Smoke Wagon has.

taylors & company revolvers

Range Test

Single-action revolvers were designed to be shot with one hand, and that’s how I tried it. Some especially enthusiastic people might want to show some Old West panache with fanning, but I’m not one of them. The accuracy of this gun was spot on when I shot single-handedly, so adding the second hand for support gave me even tighter groups. I actually tried some cowboy-action ammo just for fun and fun it was (Aguila Cowboy Action 45 Long Colt, if you were curious). I think I don’t need to elaborate on the lack of any hiccups, revolvers are extremely boring in that regard – everything shoots super reliably. But this boredom makes them more dependable than any other firearm.

I wouldn’t call the .45 Colt the most affordable round, the .357 Magnum is cheaper to shoot. Luckily, you can choose either: the Smoke Wagon comes in both varieties with several additional variations like barrel lengths and Not-Taylor-Tuned versions (must also be good, but not as good as this one).

Comparison with Other Revolvers

The Taylor’s & Company Smoke Wagon Taylor Tuned .45LC revolver is a unique firearm, known for its exquisite craftsmanship and high level of performance. It is factory-tuned for optimal performance right out of the box. Some of its standout features include a forged case-hardened steel frame, blued steel parts, a checkered Navy grip with a thinner profile, and a low-sitting hammer.

Taylor's & Company 1873 Cattleman Floral Engraved

Comparatively, the Taylor’s & Company 1873 Cattleman Floral Engraved revolver stands apart due to its undeniable artistic flair. The plain profile of the Smoke Wagon makes the gun look like a simpleton, eclipsed by the intricacy of the Cattleman’s floral engravings. However, that’s where the superiority ends. The 1873 Cattleman also boasts the features of the Taylor Tuned action, but differs in that it fires .357 Magnum rounds, compared to the .45 Long Colt rounds used by the Smoke Wagon. The dealbreaker for me was the grip: the 1873 Cattleman also features a Navy size Walnut grip, but it’s not checkered. It definitely has better looks, but those won’t help me get a better grip on my revolver.

TAYLORS & COMPANY 1873 Cattleman

TAYLORS & COMPANY 1873 Cattleman Floral Engraved Taylor Tuned .357 Mag 4.75in 6rd White Revolver with Walnut Grips


Taylor's & Company Gunfighter

Moving on to the Taylor’s & Company Gunfighter Taylor Tuned .45LC 4.75in, this revolver shares the same caliber (.45 Long Colt) as the Smoke Wagon and the same oil-colored case hardening. However, the Gunfighter model is specifically designed for speed and efficiency in competitive shooting environments. It has a wider, lower-profile hammer and a wider rear sight groove. The grip shape is also different: the longer and slightly wider Army grip vs. the smaller Navy grip of the Smoke Wagon.


TAYLORS & COMPANY Gunfighter Taylor Tuned .45LC 4.75in 6rd Revolver with Walnut Grips


Taylor's & Company Outlaw Legacy

Lastly, the Taylor’s & Company Outlaw Legacy. Also a .45 Long Colt revolver, but it brings a distinct character of its own. This model is inspired by the guns used in the late 19th century by outlaws and lawmen during the “Wild West” era. The Outlaw Legacy features intricate engraving on the metal parts and a white polymer Navy size grip. It also has a unique finish, with a combination of a blued barrel and cylinder, and a color case-hardened frame, giving it a vintage look.


TAYLORS & COMPANY Outlaw Legacy .45LC 4.75in 6rd Blue Engraved Revolver



I like wood in firearms, and I like revolvers – the Taylor’s & Co. Smoke Wagon has everything to rank as a dream gun for me. But it’s not the only wooden-grip revolver out there, so I won’t brand it as such yet. But honestly, Smoke Wagon is a great revolver for the money. Everything about it is smooth, it looks great, it shoots reliably and it doesn’t break the bank. Beg to differ? The comments are right under the FAQ section.

Check out our other review on firearms:


Taylor’s & Company sources their firearms from reputable manufacturers such as Uberti, Pietta, and Armscor.

‘Taylor Tuned’ refers to the additional customizations and adjustments made by Taylor’s & Company to enhance the performance and value of their firearms.

The Smoke Wagon revolver boasts numerous notable features, including a walnut checkered Navy grip, case-hardened frame, blue finish on the barrel and cylinder, and wider sights for better target acquisition.

Yes, the Smoke Wagon revolver has a design wherein the firing pin doesn’t engage with the primer until the trigger is pulled. This makes it safe to carry with all six rounds loaded.

Taylor Tuned revolvers feature a tuned, polished, and lightened hammer, a more forgiving trigger pull, and jig cut sear and hammer surfaces for smoother action.

The trigger of the Smoke Wagon revolver is designed to be short-stroke and sits far back. It offers a super light and crisp break.

The Smoke Wagon revolver can be chambered in .45 Long Colt and .357 Magnum calibers.

Taylor’s & Company offers a variety of other revolver models, including the 1873 Cattleman Floral Engraved, Gunfighter, and Outlaw Legacy, each with their unique features and designs.

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