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We have a stellar staff of writers here at GritrSports, and this year we’ve had the privilege of running the best stories and articles yet! We specialize in articles both guns and ammo and outdoors related, and whether you’re into tactical gear, hunting or EDC / self-defense, we’ve had plenty of great stories just for you. Before 2017 hits, we thought we’d look back at some of the top articles from this year.
Product Reviews
Here at GritrSports our product reviews are second to none. We don’t just list specs and do a quick overview of the product. Our writers spend months with each item to make sure they understand its strengths and weaknesses before they write about it. The result is a genuine article that will help you fully evaluate the product before you buy.
Trampas Swanson is one of our top product reviewers, and whenever you read one of his reviews, you can rest assured you’re getting the full picture. Swanson also provides live range videos of the firearm you’re shopping for, so you can see how it performs before you fire it yourself. His review of the H&K VP9 covers a topic important to many of our readers – conceal and carry. The Heckler & Koch VP9 is a popular choice for concealed carry, and Swanson compares it to similar Glocks that he has carried in the past. At the conclusion of the article, Swanson even swaps out his everyday Glock for the VP9. If you’re in the market for a quality concealed carry pistol, this is one article to read before you buy.
Kip Staton is another one of our expert reviewers, and his article Ruger American Predator 308 Review – Best Bolt Gun? takes a deeper look at the new trend in affordable hunting rifles led by the Ruger American Rifle series. This incredibly affordable rifle (sub $500 in starting models) offers a lot in the emerging category of “budget rifles,” and when you couple that with Ruger’s legendary reliability, it’s hard not to be interested in this line of rifles. Better yet, Staton takes the rifle to the range and finds it easily shoots 1 MOA at 200 yards. All in all, this Ruger rifle line can keep up with the best of them, and anyone in the market for a new rifle should give it a closer look.
Those interested in quality hunting equipment reviews will be thrilled with our articles from Nancy Jo Adams. In one of her excellent shotgun reviews, The Benelli Super Black Eagle II, she takes a closer look at one of the best hunting shotguns available today. This semi-automatic beast of a shotgun easily cycles even 3.5″ loads, and it’s versatile enough to meet the needs of any hunter who switches between game like turkey and waterfowl. Plus with the Benelli name backing this beautiful shotgun, you can’t go wrong.
We have AR reviews covered on the Gritr Sports blog as well, including some rarer models. In Beretta ARX 100 and ARX 160 – Fraternal Twins, Guy Sagi profiles a pair of rifles chambered in either 5.56 or .22LR that are great for plinking or self defense if you choose the larger caliber. The unique design of the ARX line offers folding stocks and flip-up sights, and they look even better when mounted on a bipod. Those in the market for a different rifle should read Sagi’s review, plus his photo work is always second to none!
Finally, we don’t just review firearms and hunting products here, we also like to keep up with new knife models. This year Trampas Swanson reviewed a popular EDC knife in MicroTech Knives: Scarab, and this automatic, out-the-front knife really is one of the best options to have by your side. This knife was built to tackle almost anything, and the carbide glass breaker on the other end of the knife can save lives in a potential emergency. It’s no secret that a knife good enough for the Navy SEALs is a favorite of Swanson’s, and if you can afford the price tag, you’ll never want another EDC knife.
How To Articles
We cater to the dedicated shooter here at GritrSports, and it was important for us to talk about where to shoot not just what firearms to shoot. Luckily for us, writer Seth Nadel had just finished campaigning for a new public range in his town with his fellow range committee members. In Starting From Zero: How To Get A Range In Your Town, Nadel outlines the process of setting up a new range near your town including the politics and compromises involved. If you’re tired of the scant places to shoot in your town, then be sure to read this article on building your own range.
The GritrSports blog caters to both men and women shooters, and we’ve had the pleasure of running great articles tailored for the needs of women shooters around the country. In The Myth of Small, Light and Pink, Linda Gilbertson dispels an important misconception that not everyone is aware of – tiny, pink-colored guns are generally not the best option for first time shooters. In fact the opposite is true for most women. They have much better luck with heavy, large and dark colored pistols. If you’re new to concealed and carry or firearms in general, this is a must read.
Writer Luke Brandenburg did an informative series of wild game profiles for us this year, and before you can successfully hunt something, you need to know how it behaves. In articles like Game Profiles: Quail, Brandenburg covers the basic sub-species that are popular to hunt, what habitat they prefer, and of course what gear is necessary to hunt them. From big game to small game, 2016 was full of profiles of many of the animals North American hunters covet.
We love firearms history here as well, and Pete Rogers provided a comprehensive look at American Gun Company 20 gauge hammer guns in Historic Firearms: 20 Gauge Hammer Gun. In this article, Rogers covers the history of hammer guns like the one he owns, and most readers will be surprised to hear that back in the early 1900s these guns cost a maximum of $25 and were available at your local hardware store. Throughout the course of the article Rogers also tells the story of an old friend lost many years ago and how his memory lives on in the 20 gauge shotgun.
Military Articles
Finally, writer John Buol is our resident military expert, and his reviews of military firearms and articles on marksmanship courses and competitions provide plenty of content for those that like military-specific stories. In The MK19 Grenade Machine Gun, Buol looks at the king of “small arms” in the powerful grenade machine gun. This belt-fed machine gun fires around 350 rounds per minute, and since the grenades arc, the machine gun can be fired from cover and hit targets up to 2,000 yards away. Read this and other military firearms articles from John Buol on the GritrSports blog today.
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