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If you purchase a new field or sporting series shotgun from any reputable brand, it will most likely come equipped with a fiber-optic bead or a fiber-optic front and rear sight. Fiber-optic shotgun sights work well in improving marksmanship and can be an advantage in the field for a successful harvest.
Upgrading Your Shotgun For Turkey Hunting
I upgraded my turkey hunting shotgun last spring out of necessity. The old Mossberg I was using was showing more than its share of wear and tear in its working components from over 25+ years of turkey hunting among three different hunters. This shotgun was a pump, and it kicked like a mule, but it was solid in the field with a shot pattern that every turkey hunter dreamed of. It was hard putting it in the gun case at the end of the season, after all, it held a lot of good memories: my first turkey harvest and my first Grand Slam. For years, it traveled the nation with me in search of my next turkey adventure—we have a history.
Once I found a new replacement shotgun, I took it to a gunsmith at a reputable choke company to have the shotgun set up with a turkey choke and ammo combination to replicate the pattern I was accustomed to with my Mossberg. I left for my first turkey hunt confident I had the perfect shotgun, and pattern, even at an extended range.
On my first morning hunt of the season, I had a nice mature tom working its way to my decoy when it hung up about 20 yards on the other side of my decoy. I did not doubt that my shotgun, choke, and ammunition combo could easily make the extended shot. As that bird finally settled into a strut zone, I shouldered my shotgun, raised it to line up my bead on its white head and it immediately became apparent that the fiber-optic bead on the end of my barrel was much larger than I was accustomed to. This was something I didn’t notice aiming at a square paper target at 20 and 40 yards on the range when I patterned it. I literally could not see the turkey’s head and neck with the bird being at that extended range, the bead completely covered the turkey’s head and neck in my line of sight. This instinctively caused me to lower my shoulder and raise my line of sight which resulted in a shot that was less than perfect.
TruGlo Magnum Gobble Dot Xtreme
When I got home, I pulled my Mossberg out of the case and spent a few minutes studying the sight system. What I found on my old shotgun was the TruGlo® Magnum Gobble•Dot Xtreme mounted to the shotgun rail. This TruGlo® fiber-optic sight included a front and rear sight that lined up a lot like a pistol sight. Although the rear sight was not the main issue, it brought peace of mind to know that in a rushed, or even a lengthy time holding my shotgun up, that I would know instinctively that my gun barrel was level with the correct line of sight giving me the advantage of a true shot. I vowed that I would have one on my new shotgun before the next season opened.
The shotgun I now turkey hunt with is a Beretta that has a ventilated rib. I searched for the TruGlo sight that I had on my old gun and found that they were still available. The low profile TruGlo® Magnum Gobble•Dot™ Xtreme is a three-dot system installs quickly and easily by snapping on snugly to the rib and held in place by a strip of double-sided all-weather tape. No screws are needed for installation. The front bead does not need to be removed off of the shotgun to use the TruGlo shotgun sights.
The highly visible fiber-optic is secured in a housing that captures the most amount of light to the fiber-optic making it extremely bright even in low light conditions. The unit is secure and will not be easily knocked out of line or knocked off of the shotgun. The front sight has a fiber-optic diameter of .060″, and the rear sight has a fiber-optic diameter of .035″.
The sight is available for a ¼”, 3/8″, 6mm, and 5/16″ rib widths. Magnetic shotgun sights are available in ¼” and 3/8″ size. TruGlo® also offers the Gobble•Dot Universal that fits any size rib width and doesn’t require anything other than the supplied double-sided, all-weather tape to adhere it to the top of the shotgun rib.
TruGlo® also offers the Tru•Point™ Xtreme that offers full windage and elevation adjustments for those guns that need a little help in shooting true center. The all-metal universal fit allows it to fit on any shotgun. For the shooters convenience, the product comes with two unique interchangeable rear sight inserts. For longer distance shooting, such as slugs for deer or hog hunting, the sight also has a bubble level. The TruGlo® Tru•Point™ Xtreme offers all of the great features as the TruGlo® Gobble•Dot but offers a little more customization for those shotguns that might need it.
Final Thoughts On TruGlo Gobble Dot Sights
There are a number of different style shotgun sights available from TruGlo® and one to fit any brand shotgun. The TruGlo® Magnum Gobble•Dot™ Xtreme, Gobble•Dot Universal, and TruGlo® Tru•Point™ Xtreme products are endorsed by the National Wild Turkey Federation and are used by a large percentage of turkey hunters to put that prize gobbler in their turkey vest every year. Don’t leave it to chance, leave it up to TruGlo® “When Brightness Counts.”
Endorsement Disclosure: Per the guidelines of the Federal Trade Commission, the products reviewed or mentioned within this writing is an endorsement and the writer may or may not have been compensated by “in-kind” payment to review the product. Logos and photos are the sole property of the rightful owner and used within this writing solely for the promotion of products herein as requested by the product’s manufacturer or in efforts of product exposure for the manufacturers.
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