Over the past fifty years, warriors have been trying to come up with new and inventive ways to shorten the standard AR15 platform. One of the main reasons to have a shorter rifle comes in the form of transportation logistics. When going about in public with a rifle housed in a standard rifle case, it is obvious to onlookers as to what you are doing. This leads some shooters to lean towards costly SBR permits to have a rifle short enough to carry in a backpack or some “less-than-obvious” case for transporting to and from the range or field. Due to the basic design of the AR15 construction with its buffer, buffer tube and buffer spring, shooters have not had the option of a folding stock such as the piston driven Ak47 platform. Recently, this has changed thanks to a company named Law Tactical.
Law Tactical
During SHOT SHOW in 2015, I met with the owners of Law Tactical in a private meeting to check out the newest version of their folding stock hinge. During our time discussing the product, it was obvious: a lot of time, research and money was spent to offer a military grade solution to a long-time issue. The Law Tactical Folding Stock Hinge allows standard mil-spec buffer tube / stock assemblies to be folded to the left of the lower receiver when transported in the hinge’s “open” position. The rifle is fully functional when the hinge is “closed.”
Designed, built, and assembled in the USA from CNC machined, 4140 steel, the Law Tactical adaptor is stronger than any receiver it could be mounted on. According to the folks at Law Tactical, the Folding Stock Adapter works with direct impingement or gas piston systems and fits A2, carbine, mil-spec or commercial buffer tube and stocks. It can be used with standard bolt carrier groups including: full auto, semi auto and 5.56 to .308. Due to further testing and a huge back order prior to its release, it was a full year before a commercial ready sample arrived at our office for review.
Law Tactical Folding Stock Adapter Hinge Testing
When the product arrived, I decided to make the .300 Blackout short barreled rifle I had on hand even better! By installing the Law Tactical hinge onto the SBR, it shortened an already-compact AR15 measuring 27 inches down to only 19 inches with the stock folded. Installation was quick and easy thanks to a very simple set of instructions as well as the supplied tool for applying tension to the hinge flange. I was very impressed by how solid the hinge fit to the lower receiver as well as with the stock in the firing position. There was no slop or wiggle in the stock at all after installation in which would throw off a possibly important shot.
A noticeable difference between the standard AK folding stocks and this AR platform device is the lack of a mechanical lock position once the stock was folded to the side. Instead, the AK hinge had a screw the end user can tighten to apply tension to keep the stock in the folded position. Before the armchair warriors start crying behind their keyboards instead of getting out in the field and training, I would like to point out the benefit of not having a folded position lock out. With the “tacti-cool” crowd, most devices involve small, cheaply made parts that require fine motor skills to operate. This may look cool and “cutting edge,” but having survived a few running gun fights personally, those fine motor skills go straight out the window and into a pile of broken Chinese made parts. The Law Tactical device works easily and uses only gross motor skills to release a large button to fold the stock. A simple swipe of your hand or forearm will close it back to the firing position.
As impressed as I was with the neat new gadget, I had concerns on how the hinge may affect function over the long run due to a rubber O-ring gasket being used on the supplied bolt extension. The only way to gain that answer I was looking for was to hit the range and fire a few hundred rounds. This is why I never do product reviews with less than 60 – 90 days of test and evaluations. Once in the firing position, the change to the rifle is only an inch difference between “before” and “after” installation. A simple click of the adjustable stock forward leveled this difference completely out. After the quick length of pull adjustment with the stock, my rifle’s zero was exactly the same as prior to installing the Law Tactical hinge.
Throughout the training sessions, I switched back and forth from shooting right to left handed in order to find out if the slight protrusion on the left side of the hinge would affect check wield or sight acquisition. Again, there were no adjustments needed regardless of how the rifle was mounted and operated.
After 300 rounds, I could see a faint wear on the rubber O-ring, but not enough to have any concerns about it lasting another 300 or 400 rounds. For those who are diligent on replacing everything that is subject to wear and tear, rest assure, replacement O-rings are very cheap ($5.99US for 10) and easy to obtain via their website. This also comes in handy for those who can’t resist forgoing the clearly displayed instruction to close the hinge before firing. So what happens when the rifle is fired while the stock is in the folded position? It fires of course. What doesn’t happen is the bolt being cycled to allow the spent round to be extracted from the chamber and another round loaded ready for the next shot. If this happens, simply close the stock to the firing position, cycle the charging handle and you’re set to continue firing. Long term use of this will quickly damage your O-rings, and it does not offer a clear tactical advantage in using regularly. For the rest of us, common sense and routine maintenance will keep the entire rifle running great for a good number of rounds.
Overall, not only was the Law Tactical Folding Stock adaptor a great excuse to shoot through a lot of ammo, it is a well built, functional device that serves a very specific purpose. Simply put, this product works and works well. Military, Law Enforcement and PMCs can benefit from the discreet compactness a folding stock affords just as much as the regular citizen looking for a low visible means to carry his or her rifle to the range.
Final Thoughts
Retailing for around $279 US, the price does make a lot of buyers do a double take before researching the product. Are there cheaper options on the market? Yes, of course. Cheaper made, cheaper priced and much cheaper quality, reliability, and performance. A quality rifle build requires quality parts and the Law Tactical offers this. When compared to the advantages of other products in the same price range, few allow the freedom of mobility the Law Tactical Folding Stock Adaptor offers, and none are as well made. If you are serious about the space your rifle takes up or you are just looking to make your SBR even more discreet, this product is for you. To learn more about the Law Tactical products and purchase one for your next project, visit www.gritrsports.com to get started.
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